
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Global Issues Infopack

The Global Issues Infopack.

Hardcopies were made this time, as the pack is not huge; GP reps please collect them from the photocopy shop.

I have also (according to tradition) put the link in the entry "Repost of Info-Packs", which in linked in the sidebar, "ALL THE GP INFO-PACKS" (look to the right of the screen, Aaron).


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

More on Conflicts in the Middle East.

Why They Hate Each Other: The war between Iraq's Sunnis and Shi’ites.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Logical Fallacies / Cognitive Biases.

A list of cognitive biases on Wikipedia - very useful for 1) EValuation in AQ, and 2) giving your arguments depth in essays.


Government-People Relationship in Singapore.

Views on the relationship between the government and governed in Singapore.

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Essay Post-Mortem.

Essay Post-Mortem.
